The cornerstone of The Arc Eastern Connecticut is Advocacy. Since both The Arc NLC and The Arc QV were founded in 1952, the families, participants, employees and leadership of the agencies have been instrumental in improving services and supports for people with IDD.
One of the fastest growing civil rights movements in the state and in the county is the Self-Advocacy movement. This self-governing organization of people with disabilities advocates and speaks up for itself. Self-advocacy means that although a person with a disability may call upon the support of others, that person is entitled to be in control of his/her own resources and how they are directed. Self-advocacy is about having the right to make life decisions without undue influence or control by others.
Other Advocacy Resources

The Arc of
the United States
The Arc is excited to announce a valuable new resource available at to help guide people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families through the complexities of Medicaid benefits, services and supports.
The Medicaid Reference Desk offers detailed, state-by-state information about Medicaid benefits, a glossary of terms, answers to frequently asked questions, person-centered planning resources and a blog from The Arc’s training specialist about issues related to Medicaid, self-advocacy and person-centered planning.
2-1-1 is Connecticut’s free information and referral service. Simply by dialing 2-1-1, a toll-free number throughout Connecticut, callers can reach knowledgeable, multilingual staff and get information, referrals or seek help in a crisis. 2-1-1 operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year. TDD access is available. (more info)
2-1-1 is supported by the State of Connecticut and
Disability Rights Connecticut, Inc. (DRCT) is an advocacy organization that is dedicated to identifying and eliminating the barriers that people with disabilities face in exercising their civil, legal and human rights. As Connecticut’s protection and advocacy system (P&A), we work to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities, their families and our community as a whole using the activities and programs below.
For suspected abuse and neglect Call: 1-860-297-4300
104 South Turnpike Road, Wallingford, CT 06492
203-294-5049 or toll free 1-888-263-4445
or locally at:
401 West Thames Streeet, Norwich, CT
The role of sibling to a person with an intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) is as complex as it is inspiring. Many of us at The Arc know firsthand what it is like to grow up with a family member with I/DD. We understand and share the vision you have for a healthy and full life for your sibling.