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Please Take Action!

We need your help!

HB 7294, An Act Concerning Bottle Redemption in the State, currently is under review by the CT State Legislature’s Finance, Review and Bonding Committee.

Here is how you can help:

  • SUPPORT COMPETITIVE RECYCLE FEES. Please keep this bill alive! The Arc ECT operates one of the only redemption centers in Connecticut, employing people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) at minimum wage. Currently, for every unit received, The Arc ECT loses about 2 cents. Current redemption rates are NOT COMPETITVE: The redemption rate has been the same since 1978!Maine and Vermont are way ahead of Connecticut on this one.

  • MORE TRASH! The Arc ECT currently prevents more than 1,000,000 bottles and cans from ending up along the side of the road. Please help The Arc ECT keep Connecticut clean!

PLEASE keep HB 7294 alive! Please support jobs and job training for people with IDD. Please support A CLEANER CONNECTICUT!

Thank you for your excellent work!


Kathleen Stauffer

Chief Executive Officer

The Arc Eastern Connecticut, established by two groups of families in 1952, provides advocacy and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the entire region. Our services touch every aspect of a person's life: housing, employment/job development, vocational/micro-enterprise ventures, education, day programs, in-home supports, Senior services, health/fitness activities, and community involvement.

In Partnership Logo ECT color

The Arc Eastern Connecticut

125 Sachem Street

Norwich, Connecticut 06360


T: 860.889.4435

F: 860.889.4662



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