Registration Is Open!
2024 Camp Fee is $1350/week
Online Registration-New This Year-Details Below
Greetings from Camp Harkness 2024!
We are looking forward to the upcoming summer months and embarking on our 26th camping season.
Again, we have adopted a new online registration process that will ensure the health and safety of all campers.
The software we are using is easy to navigate and HIPPA compliant, so your information is kept secure.
Before you register, please review the procedures below and upload the appropriate forms along with the application.
Skills and Behavior Checklist: This form is required to be completed and submitted with the camp application. The information provided on these forms will be used to screen campers’ needs and ability levels to ensure that this camper will be safe in our camping program.
Supporting Documents from DDS Individual Plan: These forms are required to be copied and submitted for each camper to supplement the full camp packet. These forms will be required for all Agency Supported & Community Companion Home individuals. We will also expect individuals who attend day or respite programs but who live independently or with families to submit these forms. These forms need to be submitted with the application.
DDS Emergency Individual Fact Sheet
LON (Level of Need Assessment)
All Guidelines (submit copies of ALL protocols: dining, mobility, safety, etc.)
Fall Risk Screen Form (from Nursing Protocol NP 11-1, Attachment A and D.)
Behavior Support Plan
Medical Forms and Consents: After an initial review of applications, The Arc will request a physician complete and sign the medical forms for the Camper. There will also be a consent form that the Camper’s legal guardian must sign prior to attendance. It is important for a camper’s doctor and guardian to be aware of the physical camp environment and level of care provided by camp staff. This information will help us know how to safely support the camper during his/her stay at camp.
The information provided on the above documents will be used to screen individuals during the registration process. Campers will officially be accepted only after all required forms are submitted and reviewed to ensure an appropriate match.
Please submit these forms in a timely manner to secure the camper’s spot in the 2024 program.
Click the button to be taken to our registration portal. If you are new to The Arc at Camp Harkness, please make a new account to get started. If you have camped with The Arc before, your login information will be mailed to the last address we have on file.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at
Prefer to Register By Mail? Please call Valerie Malone T 860.889.4435 x113
We look forward to another great Camp Season!

From Rte 395:
Take Exit 77 for Rte 85. Turn right at end of exit ramp on to Rte 85 South. Follow to second light. Turn right onto Cross Rd. Follow Cross Rd to the fourth light and turn left onto Rte. 1 Proceed east (toward Waterford/New London) on Rte 1 for 1.6 miles to a stop light. Take a right onto Avery Lane (Sylvia’s Package Store will be on your right). Proceed 0.3 Miles to stop light. Proceed straight onto Rte 213 (Great Neck Rd). Proceed on Rte 213 down to the shoreline (past Harkness Memorial State Park on your right). Proceed to stop sign and turn right. Camp Harkness is the first right.
From Rte 95:
Take exit 75 onto Rte 1. Proceed east (toward Waterford/New London) on Rte 1 for 3.8 miles to a stop light. Take a right onto Avery Lane (Sylvia’s Package Store will be on your right). Proceed 0.3 Miles to stop light. Proceed straight onto Rte 213 (Great Neck Rd). Proceed on Rte 213 down to the shoreline (past Harkness Memorial State Park on your right). Proceed to stop sign and turn right. Camp Harkness is the first right.