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Virtual Adventures

Our ACTIVITIES 4  U link and our COMMUNITY RESOURCES link are two places to find important information.  You can always access them here on our PANDEMIC UPDATES PAGE

and on the HOME PAGE of our website.  We add information regularly and welcome your ideas.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Message from Kathleen Stauffer,

CEO of The Arc Eastern Connecticut

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a terrific Memorial Day weekend and enjoyed some sunshine. Usually we have a big party for family with a burger bar and games, but this year we opted for a quiet weekend of long walks and social distancing. We promised everybody that next year’s burger bar will be twice the size to make up for lost time!


Our team has been most heroic in the last week. The husband of one team member made a big sign for residents to paint, and it’s now by the drive across from our garden on Rt 117 in Ledyard. Thanks as always to you all for going out of your way daily to make sure the people we serve get the support they need. And thank you for going above and beyond to stay healthy! The Arc ECT and the people we serve are only as healthy as you are!


We are excited to report that the original Farm Stand Garden is now a community garden for our residential homes. We are grateful to the resident who asked to take on aquaponics. Thank you! Fish are being fed daily and plants are growing in the towers. Each home that chooses can grow vegetables for their own use in this community garden.


Thanks also to everybody who took the time to let me know how you and your families are doing. From the gardens you are starting to family updates and weddings – each message really made my week.


Although we are not able to hold our Annual Picnic in June due to COVID-19, please be assured each person eligible for a service award will receive that award by mail. And each person will be recognized during next year’s Annual Picnic and the 2021 Service Awards Ceremony.


The Arc of the United States has pushed hard (and so have many of you due to our social media appeals) to get Heroes legislation passed. Thanks to #WeAreEssential, the Heroes Act was introduced into the House of Representatives and has since moved to the Senate. Included are additional supports for people with IDD and recognition that Direct Support Professionals are heroes. So please keep sending messages when you see our social media invites!


As Governor Lamont begins a cautious re-opening of businesses, your leadership team is surveying families and talking with state leaders. We remain aware that Eastern Connecticut COVID-19 cases continue to slowly increase, and we are 100% committed to the safety of the people we serve and you, our team members.


Thank you for all that you do!


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PS Keep the updates on how you and your family are doing coming:


The Arc NEWS

Housebound But Heroic

What’s a guy to do if it’s spring and you’re ready to start a new season at a job you love, mowing lawns, weeding gardens, and just being outside . . . but a pandemic’s got you stuck at home?  Dustin works at one of The Arc’s 6 micro-enterprises—the Lawn/Landscape crew—and he’s developed some great skills. He was

eagerly awaiting the warm weather and the chance to get back on the lawnmower and interact with the business’ customers all around the area. Quarantine at home has been really hard for him, so he decided to show off what he’s learned and do some landscaping around his home. Tim, his job coach, dropped off a mower for him to use, and Rose, his ETC (Employment Transition Center) staff who’s helping him out at home,


purchased some flowers and mulch so he could continue to improve his skills—and do what makes him happy—while staying safe at home.  Nice work, Dustin! Hopefully the crew will be back in action soon!

A Healthy World Starts with You_Twitter.


This Week's Recipe

Shortcut Mousse

Time for a dessert that practically everyone loves,

and you can make in 25 minutes!


  • 6 oz dark chocolate, finely chopped

  • 4 oz white chocolate, finely chopped (use bars instead of chips, which aren’t as good)

  • 3 cups whipping cream

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 2 tbsp brewed espresso

  • 6 crisp chocolate chip cookies*

  • Unsweetened cocoa powder

 *An excellent choice are The Arc’s Classic Crunch Chocolate Chip cookies, found in many local grocery stores—we’ll be restocking soon!


  • In 3 separate bowls, place 4 oz of the dark chocolate, the other 2 oz of dark chocolate, and the white chocolate.

  • In a saucepan heat 1 cup cream over medium heat until just simmering.

  • Pour ½ cup hot cream over the 4 oz dark chocolate, 1/3 cup hot cream over the 2 oz dark chocolate, and the remaining cream over the white chocolate. Let stand 5 minutes without stirring. Then stir each until smooth.

  • Stir vanilla into the white chocolate mixture.

  • Stir espresso into the 4 oz dark chocolate mixture. (It will become darker than the other dark chocolate mixture.)

  • In a large bowl, beat the remaining 2 cups cream with a mixer on medium until soft peaks form. Divide whipped cream evenly among the 3 bowls; fold into each until no streaks remain.

  • Spoon half the espresso chocolate mixture into the bottom of 10 4 oz glasses. Tap glasses lightly to even the layers.

  • Crush 2 cookies; break remaining cookies into pieces and set aside.

  • Sprinkle crushed cookies over chocolate in glasses. Top with remaining espresso chocolate mixture (the darkest), white chocolate mixture, then light chocolate mixture, tapping glasses lightly between layers.

  • Chill at least 2 hours until set. Sprinkle each mousse with cocoa powder. Top with broken cookie pieces.

  • Control yourself until after dinner.

Personal Protective Equipment

for COVID-19 Care

DSPs Make the Difference

The Arc Eastern Connecticut, established by two groups of families in 1952, provides advocacy and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the entire region. Our services touch every aspect of a person's life: housing, employment/job development, vocational/micro-enterprise ventures, education, day programs, in-home supports, Senior services, health/fitness activities, and community involvement.

In Partnership Logo ECT color

The Arc Eastern Connecticut

125 Sachem Street

Norwich, Connecticut 06360


T: 860.889.4435

F: 860.889.4662



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