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People partnering with people, building lives and following dreams.


The Arc Eastern Connecticut’s In-Home Supports program is designed to provide individualized and person centered supports to people living with IDD. Each person living in his or her own apartment, with roommates in the community, or with family, partners with The Arc Eastern Connecticut to identify where they are in their life’s journey and what they want and need to fulfill their dreams and live as independently as possible.


IHS has taken this philosophy of creative partnering and developed day support options that reflect the goal of meeting people where they are in their lives to help them move forward to where they want to be. The program also has a day component at The Arc ECTs main offices in Norwich. Daily activities of people attending the program include cooking skills, health and fitness, relationship building, community navigation, and volunteerism--all with the goal of helping people reach their highest potential.


IHS advocates for people with IDD, families, and partners with numerous state and community-based organizations and providers to meet the medical, legal, and social services needs of people and families. This partnership extends to local public schools, who may identify a student who would benefit from the unique day support the program offers. This allows IHS to continue to meet the goal of walking with people on their life’s journey, one step at a time.


For more information, please contact:


Michelle Torres

Program Director


Phone:  860-889-4435 Ext. 129



The Arc Eastern Connecticut, established by two groups of families in 1952, provides advocacy and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the entire region. Our services touch every aspect of a person's life: housing, employment/job development, vocational/micro-enterprise ventures, education, day programs, in-home supports, Senior services, health/fitness activities, and community involvement.

In Partnership Logo ECT color

The Arc Eastern Connecticut

125 Sachem Street

Norwich, Connecticut 06360


T: 860.889.4435

F: 860.889.4662



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