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School to Work Transition

The Arc’s School to Work Transition Program

—giving young women and men the tools they need 
to become adults in a complex world.

Thomas J. Sullivan 
Employment Transition Center

Coordination: School facilitators and the school’s special services department meet with the student and parents to conduct a thorough assessment and develop a comprehensive service plan.

On-going Partnerships: constant contact between staff, parents and schools.

Customized Programming and Training: including job supports, situational and vocational assessments, and supported work placements.

Training options include: 

Basic computer skills and internet safety        Commercial kitchen and culinary training
Retail sales and related skills                          Landscaping and cleaning services
Agriculture/aquaponics                                    Building a resume 
Utilizing public transportation                          Interviewing techniques         
Our experienced Job Developers continuously establish relationships with area businesses to identify training and employment sites in a wide variety of fields and disciplines.

Social Skills and Peer Advocacy:  Our many groups and workshops stress peer interaction positive self-image, civic responsibility, and good decision-making skills.

Life Skills: addressed in all programming, and include money management, cooking, good personal hygiene, stress management, reading and writing skills, time management, and social/leisure skills.

 "The Arc has been an all-around great program for Billy.  He gets to build on his social skills out in the community by working at various businesses—and he gets paid for it!  He also has a great time interacting with his peers and taking part in fun activities like bowling, museum visits and shopping trips.  

Thank You, Arc!”

- Crystal W., Billy’s mother

The Arc Eastern Connecticut, established by two groups of families in 1952, provides advocacy and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the entire region. Our services touch every aspect of a person's life: housing, employment/job development, vocational/micro-enterprise ventures, education, day programs, in-home supports, Senior services, health/fitness activities, and community involvement.

In Partnership Logo ECT color

The Arc Eastern Connecticut

125 Sachem Street

Norwich, Connecticut 06360

T: 860.889.4435

F: 860.889.4662



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